
Artist statement

     My creative process begins with an experience. There are times and places that speak to me in ways that I can only describe through my practice as an artist - it is essential that I capture these moments of inspiration so that others can experience the beauty that exists around us.

     To transform that memory, rich with sensuality and coloured by emotions, into a palpable reality as a painting or an art project, I choose to discard what it is trivial for my message, reducing it to only the most essential details - a horizon, divided by colour fields, tuned by layering to mimic the complex depth that reverberates in my memory of a place.

     When I set out to represent the intensity of my experiences, I am, curiously, at my most relaxed and introspective, and this juxtaposition is reflected in my work. It is my intention to leave viewers with a feeling of calm and meditative expansiveness, letting them stretch out to fill the infinite spaces I depict.


     Angelica Montero was born in Santiago, Chile to a family of artists and creative professionals. This formed the foundation that led to her career in art. She moved to Spain to study advertising at the Universidad Complutense and art at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios of Madrid and traveled extensively around Europe, Africa, South and Central America, and the United States, always perceiving her surroundings through artistic eyes. In 1984 she lived in San Fransisco and attended the Luis Busta Art School of San Mateo, California. During this time she was also a student under Chilean painter Ruby Aranguiz. In 1985 she married her Canadian husband and started a family in Vancouver, Canada. She has continued her studies in various courses of art and design and has engaged deeply with the surrounding artistic communities. 

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